collection of Nathan Callahan's interviews and commentaries with
illustrations by Bob Aul including…
Morris’s Oscar
Thanking Robert S. McNamara and other
Academy Award Scenarios
What Can We Do About Kansas?
Thomas Frank's Unanswered Heartland Question
War with Boy George Bush
The Nation's Ian Williams on the Deserter in Chief and McCain's Reaction
to the Anti-Kerry Swiftboat TV Spot
Election on Line. Truth on Hold.
Former FBI Wiretap Translator Sibel Edmonds on the Election Year
Turnaround at Senator Grassley’s Office and Her Public Petition
for the Release of 911 Information
Drafting Women
The Cult of Masculinity's Day in Court:
An Interview with Carol Burke, author of
Camp All-American, Hanoi Jane, and the High and Tight
War and Peacenik
Memorial Day Thoughts with George McGovern
Where's the Evil?
Mahmood Mamdani’s History of Terror and the One Word Missing
from Bush's Speech
The Transfixing Power of Image
Karen Kwiatkowski, Abu Ghraib and
the $700 Million Misdirection
Put Down Your Guns and Pick Up A Book
A Talk with Paul Krassner on the Draft, Magic Mushrooms, Russ Kick, and
Levitating the Pentagon
Bush’s Less Than Average Brain
Author James Moore on the Puppet Presidency Versus the 911 Commission
The Human Cost of War
Award-Winning Reporter Mark Benjamin on Casualties, Psychosis, and
How the Pentagon May Have Screwed Up
Democracy at the Point of a Gun?
Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern on Osama’s Delight
and the
Effects of Vietnam Morass Syndrome
My United States of Whatever
Politics in the New Age of Hired Guns.
An Interview with P.W. Singer, author
of Corporate Warriors Effects of Vietnam Morass Syndrome
Empire Falls
Chalmers Johnson on Why Things That
Can’t Go on Forever, Don’t
My Briefing with Ray McGovern
George Tenet, Iraq, Neo-Conservatives, Vietnam and 911 through the eyes
of a 27-year CIA analyst
Psychoanalyzing John Ashcroft
Dissecting the current U.S. Attorney General with Tina Tessina, Ph.D.,
psychotherapist and author of "It Ends With You: Grow Up and
Out of Dysfunction"

150 Pages
/ paperback
by the author
