October 31, 2006
The Rhetoric Of Iran

Ratchet it up? Turn it down? With such a jumbled mess of real concerns and uncertain threats characterizing the current situation in Iran, it's difficult to know exactly what level of frenzied rhetoric will cultivate the best outcome.



October 30, 2007
Bush: Investigating Lawbreaking Government "a Waste of Time"



October 29, 2007
Exhibitionist Spiny Anteater Reveals Bizarre Penis

The strange sex life of the spiny anteater or short-beaked echidna has been exposed by researchers - the male ejaculates using only one half of its penis.




October 26, 2007
Preemptive Memorial Honors Future Victims Of Imminent Dam Disaster

Officials in California dedicated the Folsom Dam Memorial, which will honor the nearby residents that will die when the faulty dam fails.



October 25, 2007
Mukasey: Waterboarding is Torture if It's Torture

Mike Mukasey Attorney General Senate Confirmation Hearing, Day 2. October 18, 2007



October 24, 2007
Mitt & Rudy at the Hypocritical Values Showdown
TPMtv Campaign 2008 Roundup

Will Romney's new anti-Mormon allies help him mobilize evangelicals against Rudy? Will Rudy make up for his pro-choice views by promising war with Iran? Here's all the details about Rudy and Mitt going head to head at this weekend's Values Showdown.



October 23, 2007
Bob Dylan Sells Out Sans Style

Well, my shoes, they come from singapore,
My flashlights from taiwan,
My tablecloths from malaysia,
My belt buckles from the amazon.
You know, this shirt I wear comes from the philippines
And the car I drive is a chevrolet,
It was put together down in argentina
By a guy makin thirty cents a day.
Well, its sundown on the union
And whats made in the u.s.a.
Sure was a good idea
til greed got in the way.
— Bob Dylan, Union Sundown



October 22, 2007
Calling Blackwater to Account

Democracy Now!

In this October 11 interview, Susan Burke of the Center for Constitutional Reform and Nation correspondent Jeremy Scahill explain details of a wrongful death lawsuit filed in US district court by survivors of three Iraqi civilians killed in a September 16 shooting in Baghdad.


October 19, 2007
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
Onion News Network



October 18, 2007
World War III, etc: George W. Bush

Exceprt's from George W. Bush's October 17 press conference — S-CHIP, President Putin, torture, Blackwater, his own place in government and World War III.



October 17, 2007
Is the President Always Right?

Acting Deputy Attorney General Steve Bradbury testified before Congress that "the President is always right." Was he serious? Let's look at some of the evidence of presidential infallibility.



October 16, 2007
Stop Bush's Drug War Draft

President Bush's policies kick students with drug convictions out of school but welcome them into the military. Where are our priorities?



October 15, 2007
A Visit with Former Vice President Al Gore



October 12, 2007
America Will Blow Up The Moon
Mr. Show
Bob Odenkirk & David Cross



October 11, 2007
The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland: Roger, Part 1

A story of love and looming apocalypse set in the aisles of an office supply superstore.



October 10, 2007
Use Of 'N-Word' May End Porn Star's Career

'Cum Inside' star Jennica St. Foxx is receiving heavy criticism for using a racial slur in her latest film.



October 9, 2007
Mitt Romney Meets a Medical Marijuana Patient

Clayton Holton of Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana asks Gov. Mitt Romney if he will have seriously ill patients like himself arrested for using medical marijuana with their doctor's approval. Gov. Romney doesn't answer the question and turns his back on Clayton.



October 8, 2007
Fred Thompson as his Own Shill

Ahhhh, the lessons of show biz. Thompson, stumping in Iowa, pumps the audience for applasue before he starts speaking.



October 5, 2007
Organic Cyborg
Kenichi Ebina

Ebina, a solo self-taught dance performer, started out dancing Freestyle HipHop and expanding his style to Poppin’, Lockin’, Mime, House, Jazz, Contemporary and Ethnic dance.



October 4, 2007
A President of Very Little Brain
George W. Bush



October 3, 2007
Families USA - "Bush vs. Kids" SCHIP Ad - FamiliesUSA.org

President Bush just vetoed the children's health insurance (SCHIP) bill even in the face of overwhelming bipartisan support. Families USA urges everyone to contact Congress and ask them to overturn Bush's veto.



October 2, 2007
Hot Action on the West Bank

In conjunction with Maxim magazine, a new public relations effort by Israel's New York consulate aims at the male demographic in an effort to make the country known less for its conflict with Palestinians and more for its hot babes.



October 1, 2007
Potato Salad Triplets Dance



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