December 31, 2008
Nowhere to Run for Those Trapped in Gaza

Palestinian families are wondering whether they will become the next target after four days of Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip. As Sherine Tadros reports, there are few places to hide, and civilian casualties continue to rise.



December 30, 2008
Scarborough Reads the News. Brzezinski Makes It.

Zbigniew Brzezinski (who supported Pol Pot) debates Joe Scarborough (who is an arrogant fool) on MSNBC's Morning Joe, December 30, 2008.



December 29, 2008
Tennessee Sludge Gives Coal a Black Eye


December 26, 2008
Bateman: Rick Warren Sure is an Expert on Being Gay

Scott Bateman responds to an interview with the pastor.



December 24, 2008
Happy Christmas (War Is Over)



December 23, 2008
Letterman's Top 10 George Bush Moments



December 22, 2008
Bateman: Let the war crimes trial begin!

Scott Bateman responds to ABC's exclusive interview with Dick Cheney.



December 19, 2008
Wise Man Willie Nelson's Offering to the Baby Jesus



December 18, 2008
Calvin Trillin Reflects on Insulting Henry Kissinger

Journalist, humorist, and novelist Calvin Trillin reads a poem from his latest book Deciding the Next Decider: The 2008 Presidential Race in Rhyme.



December 17, 2008
Did Dick Cheney Just Confess to a War Crime on National TV?

Not only has the Bush administration committed war crimes in plain sight, but now Dick Cheney is freely confessing it on national television. In an interview with ABC, Cheney admitted he directly authorized the CIA to use highly controversial enhanced interrogation tactics like waterboarding, as well as the torture of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.



December 16, 2008
Shoe Ambush Sparks Pride and Protest Among Arabs



December 15, 2008
UAW President Slams GOP for Killing Auto Bailout

United Auto Workers President Ronald A. Gettelfinger lashed out against Senate Republicans a day after a congressional compromise on an auto industry bailout failed, accusing the lawmakers of trying to "pierce the heart of organized labor." Gettelfinger, at a news conference yesterday in Detroit, welcomed a statement from the White House that said the administration was willing to use funds targeted for bailing out the financial system to help the autoworkers. But he repeated his insistence that bankruptcy isn't an option, saying failure at any one automaker would force firms across the industry to collapse. The Republican Senate proposal sought to cut UAW wages, bringing them in line - or at "parity" - with what workers earn at foreign-owned, non-unionized plants in the United States. A failure in Congress to reach an agreement on the wage-cut proposal Thursday night doomed the $14 billion industry rescue package.



December 12, 2008
Dennis vanEngelsdorp: Where have the bees gone?

Bees are dying in droves. Why? Leading apiarist Dennis vanEngelsdorp looks at the gentle, misunderstood creature's important place in nature and the mystery behind its alarming disappearance.



December 11, 2008
Antarctic Islands Species Tally More than Galapagos

New research has found that the Antarctic islands are home to a greater diversity of species than the Galapagos.



December 10, 2008
Scott Bateman: Bush's "Uh-oh" Moment

Every day's been joyous at the White House, according to George W. Bush. Scott Bateman responds.



December 9, 2008
Blagojevich Yesterday: "Tape My Conversations"

Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) one day before arrest on corruption charges: "If anybody wants to tape my conversations go right ahead." December 8, 2008



December 8, 2008
George W. Bush: "Welcome to my Hanging"

Bush presides over the unveiling of his portrait at The Union League.



December 5, 2008
December 5, 2008 in 100 Seconds



December 4, 2008
'Prop 8: The Musical' Starring Jack Black



December 3, 2008
How Can We Make The Iraq War More Handicap Accessible?



December 2, 2008
It's Time to Deal with the Taliban

The Taliban is now a social-political force and must be approached as such.



December 1, 2008Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Many police officers are asking the question: if prohibition didn't work for alcohol, why are we in denial about it working for other things? LEAP is a major initiative now, and gaining steam. Check out for more.



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